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User's Manual for High-Performance File-Compression Program
LHarc Version 1.13c
Copyright (c) Haruyasu Yoshizaki (Yoshi), 1988-89
Nifty Serve PFF00253
ASCII PCS pcs02846
0. It Came to Pass One Day...
After reading "A Hard Disk Cookbook" from Shouei Press, I had a
strong desire to write my own archiving utility. On the Nifty Serve
network, I was first exposed to Mr. Miki's Larc, which surpasses the
well-known PKware in compression ratios, as reported in the Forum
Software Debut and Review. The next shock came when I saw Mr.
Okumura's LZari, which has even better compression-ratio performance.
I started to rewrite LZari in assembly language, trying to make it
run faster, but I could find hardly no good way to speed up the
process of un-archiving.
So, as an alternative, I used adaptive Huffman coding with an LZSS
encoder in order to achieve similar compression ratios with shorter
decompression times. This is the idea used in LHarc.
No one can be sure of eradicating all possible bugs, yet if SPACE is
more valuable than TIME to you, please give this program a try. It
may be slower in execution, but it achieves the tightest compression
ratios of any general archiver in the present "shareware" environ-
(Copyright reserved).
1. How to Use It:
Just type "LHarc" to see a concise help screen of the program's
command structure.
Command-line synopsis:
LHarc [<command>] [{{/|-}{<switch>[-|+|2|<option>]}}...] <archive_name>
[{<drive_name>:}|{<home_directory_name>\}] [<path_name> ...]
Only a single command can be specified on the command line, but a
group of switches can be specified together after the '/' or '-'
delimiter. You may place switch(es) anywhere following the command.
Hitting 'Ctrl-Break' or 'Ctrl-C' at any time will abort LHarc's
current operation and return you to the DOS prompt.
LHarc User's Manual page 2
A path name comprises a directory name and a file name:
|<---- Path_name ---->|
|<-- name -->||<name >|
Both the archive name and file name(s) specified in the command line
can optionally include a path i.e., a drive or directory name. If
LHarc becomes excessively confused by your typing, it will just stop
and wait for keyboard input. Hit 'CTRL-Break' or 'CTRL-C' to escape
back to the prompt and then use the DOS function keys to edit and
reenter your command line. LHarc will continue to answer your
LHarc User's Manual page 3
a (Add files to archive)
LHarc a ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Adds 'file1.ext' to 'ARCHIVE.LZH'. If 'ARCHIVE.LZH' does
not exist, then LHarc will create it. If a file with the
name 'file1.ext' already exists in the archive, LHarc will
replace it with the specified file.
Including the extension '.LZH' with the archive name is
optional and LHarc will default to using it unless you
specify otherwise (see below under "Archive name").
However, you would certainly need to include the extension
(or just '.' for a blank extension) with any single-
character archive name or file name that might look like
one of LHarc's commands.
u (Update files to archive)
LHarc u ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Adds 'file1.ext' to 'ARCHIVE.LZH', the same as with the 'a'
command. However, if 'file1.ext' already exists in the
archive, LHarc will check its time stamp and will keep the
newer one and ignore the older one. (Use the /c switch to
tell LHarc to skip this time-stamp comparison.)
m (Move new files into archive)
LHarc m ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
is equivalent to
LHarc u ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
DEL file1.ext
Beware the fact that the second line is implicit. You might
lose 'file1.ext' forever.
f (Freshen files in archive)
LHarc f ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Replaces 'file1.ext' in 'ARCHIVE.LZH' with the newer one
only if a file with this name already exists in the archive.
Otherwise, no action is taken. (Use the /c switch to tell
LHarc to skip this time-stamp comparison.)
LHarc User's Manual page 4
e or x (EXtract files from archive)
LHarc e ARCHIVE.LZH d:\temp\
Extracts all the files from 'ARCHIVE.LZH
directory \temp\ on drive D:. If the specified directory
does not exist, then LHarc will prompt you whether to create
it with the message "Make directory? [Y/N]". If no home
directory name is specified, LHarc will extract all files to
the current directory.
LHarc e ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Extracts only 'file1.ext' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH'. If a file
with the name 'file1.ext' exists in the home directory,
LHarc will compare their time stamps and if the existing
file is older, then LHarc will prompt you whether to
overwrite it. (Use the /c switch to tell LHarc to skip this
time-stamp comparison.)
LHarc e ARCHIVE.LZS file.ext
Extracts 'file.ext' from an .LZS file archived with Larc
Note: Larc is another popular archiver on Japanese PDS's.
p (disPlay files in archive)
LHarc p ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Extracts 'file1.ext' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH' and redirects it to
standard output.
LHarc p /v ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Uses the default utility LESS to format and display the
redirected output. LHarc creates a temporary file
'LHARC.TMP' for viewing. It will be deleted afterward.
LHarc p /vsee ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Invokes the text formatter SEE, which then displays
'file1.ext' to standard output in a paged format. Refer to
PC-LESS.ARC, LIST64A.ARC and SEE15.ARC. (These should be
available in most BBS libraries.)
d (Delete files from archive)
LHarc d ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Deletes 'file1.ext' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH'.
LHarc User's Manual page 5
l (List files in archive)
Lists information about all the files in 'ARCHIVE.LZH':
name, original size, stored size, compression ratio, date
and time, attributes, compression type (see below under
"Archive File Header") and CRC check. Each file takes one
line of output. A '+' before a file name indicates that a
directory name is stored with the file name. (Use the /x
switch to tell LHarc to also display these directory names.)
If you specify any file names and extensions, then only the
files with matching names or extensions will be listed:
LHarc l ARCHIVE.LZH *.c *.h readme.doc
Lists information on all the .C, .H and README.DOC files
v (View list of files in archive)
Which is equivalent to:
Lists information about all the files in 'ARCHIVE.LZH',
except that each listing takes two lines: the first for the
full path name and the second for the rest of the
information. The /x switch tells LHarc to display file
names extended with directory names.
s (make Self-extracting archive)
LHarc s ARCHIVE.LZH d:\temp\
Creates a "small" self-extracting file 'ARCHIVE.COM' (or
'ARCHIVE.EXE' if larger than 64K) from 'ARCHIVE.LZH' in the
directory \temp\ on drive D:. If no home directory name is
specified, then LHarc will create this file in the current
A "small" self-extracting archive (SFX) can be as large as
DOS' working memory space (640K), but normally no larger
than about 400K for safety. A "large" SFX, however, is
limited only by available disk storage (see below under
"Self-Extracting Archives").
LHarc User's Manual page 6
Creates a "large" self-extracting file 'ARCHIVE.EXE' from
'ARCHIVE.LZH'. The /x switch tells LHarc to use the
"large" (extended) SFX model.
t (Test integrity of archive)
Tests the integrity of 'ARCHIVE.LZH' by running a CRC check
on each file and comparing the result against the file's
stored CRC value.
(no command specified)
Acts exactly the same as the 'l' command. This optional
action is temporary. Don't count on it in future versions.
LHarc User's Manual page 7
Specify switch(es) following the switch delimiter '/' or '-'. If
you want to specify more than one switch, type characters
continuously without any intervening spaces, like "/rx-we:\work" or
"/cxvless". When the 'v' and 'w' switches are used with other
switches, they must be specified at the end of a sequence, as shown
in the above examples.
You may place a '+' or '-' sign after switches, with the following
meanings: '+' turns the switch on and '-' turns the switch off.
The '2' creates a special option for the /r and /v switches (see
below). If you just specify /<switch> without '+' or '-', then
<switch> will be toggled from 'on' to 'off' or vice versa, e.g., to
override any switch set in an environment variable (see below).
NOTE: Use only lowercase letters for switches. Capital letters
are reserved for future use.
/x[-|+] (allow eXtended file names)
By default, LHarc stores only the file names of archived
files and disregards the names of the directory(s) in which
they reside. This switch tells LHarc to extend all file
names with directory names and to extract archived files
together with their stored directory names.
Example: Suppose you are in the root directory, \ and you
have two files 'stat.h' and '\tc\include\sys\stat.h':
LHarc a ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h
Adds only the file 'stat.h' from the current (root)
directory to 'ARCHIVE.LZH', but
LHarc a ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h \tc\include\sys\stat.h
Will cause LHarc to abort with the message "Same names in
another path", because directory names are normally
disregarded when storing file names. However,
LHarc a /x ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h \tc\include\sys\stat.h
Adds both files to 'ARCHIVE.LZH'. Then,
LHarc e ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h
Extracts both 'stat.h' files to the current directory and
compares their time stamps and if one is newer, then LHarc
will prompt you with the message "'STAT.H': Already exists.
Overwrite? [Y/N]".
LHarc User's Manual page 8
LHarc e /x ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h
Extracts both 'stat.h' files together with their directory names:
one to the current directory and the other to the directory
\tc\include\sys\. If this directory does not exist, then LHarc
will prompt you whether to create it.
You can also use the /r switch to tell LHarc to archive all
files with the same file name by recursively searching
directories. Thus,
LHarc a /r ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h
Adds two 'stat.h' files, with path names, to 'ARCHIVE.LZH':
one from the root directory and the other from the directory
The /r switch sets the /x switch simultaneously. If you
don't want full path names, include /x- after specifying the
/r switch.
Creates the "large" (= extended) self-extracting archive
'ARCHIVE.EXE' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH' (see below under "Self-
Extracting ARCHIVEs").
/p[-|+] (distinguish full Path names)
By default, LHarc disregards directory names when extracting
files. This switch tells LHarc to distinguish files by full
path name during un-archiving.
Example: Suppose your archive 'tc.LZH' contains both
'stat.h' and 'sys\stat.h'. Then,
LHarc e tc stat.h
Extracts both 'stat.h' files to the current directory and
the older one will be overwritten by the newer one, whereas
LHarc e /p tc stat.h
Extracts only 'stat.h' to the current directory and ignores
'sys\stat.h', because its path name is not specified.
If you specify full path names without the /p switch, LHarc
will extract only those files from your archive, but
otherwise it will disregard stored directory names. (If you
want to extend file names with directory names, use the /x
LHarc User's Manual page 9
LHarc e tc sys\stat.h
Extracts only 'sys\stat.h' to the current directory.
/c[-|+] (skip time-stamp Comparison)
LHarc [e|f|u|x] /c ARCHIVE.LZH [file1.ext file2.ext ...]
If a file with the same name is to be created, LHarc will
default to comparing the time stamp of each pair of files,
and so some files will be overwritten and some just ignored.
This switch tells LHarc to overwrite any existing files with
extracted ones with the same name.
/m[-|+] (no Message for query)
LHarc [<command>] /m ARCHIVE.LZH [file1.ext file2.ext ...]
By default, before operations that alter files or
directories, LHarc will query you with messages like
"Overwrite? [Y/N]". This switch suppresses these messages
and tells LHarc to proceed as if "y" is typed in.
/a[-|+] (allow any Attribute of files)
LHarc a /a ARCHIVE.LZH file1.arc
adds 'file1.arc' to 'ARCHIVE.LZH'.
By default, LHarc will not archive files with the hidden,
read-only or system attribute. This switch tells LHarc
also to archive files with these attributes.
/r[-|+|2] (Recursively collect files)
LHarc User's Manual page 10
LHarc has three modes of collecting the files to be archived:
(a) specified file(s): /r-
LHarc a /r- ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext [file2.ext ...]
Adds to 'ARCHIVE.LZH' only the specified files
(default mode).
(b) across directories: /r or /r+
LHarc a /r ARCHIVE.LZH *.c
Adds to 'ARCHIVE.LZH' all the files with
extension .C on the current drive, starting
from the current directory. LHarc will store
all file names extended with directory names.
Use this switch to archive all versions of a
file or all files of a certain type.
(c) specified directory(s): /r2
LHarc a /r2 ARCHIVE.LZH \doc
Adds to 'ARCHIVE.LZH' all the files in the
directory specified by the path \doc and its
branches, similar to the Unix -r option. Use
this switch to archive complete directories.
The /r and /r2 switches set the /x switch simultaneously.
You may have to toggle the /x switch off (with /x-) after
using /r or /r2. The /x- switch tells LHarc to disregard
stored directory names.
/w[-|+|<directory_name>] (set Working directory)
LHarc a /w[d:\temp] ARCHIVE.LZH [file1.ext file2.ext ...]
Creates all the temporary files for 'ARCHIVE.LZH' in the
directory \temp\ on drive D:. If no directory name is
specified with this switch, then the current directory
becomes the working directory and all the temporary files
created in the process of archiving will reside in this
directory and be deleted afterward.
Use the /w switch when
(1) you have no room in the directory where the archive is,
(2) you want your work done silently and swiftly on a RAM
LHarc User's Manual page 11
This switch overrides the working directory that may be
specified in an environment variable (see below).
/v[-|+|2|<utility_name>] (View file by another utility)
LHarc p /v ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Extracts 'file1.ext' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH' and invokes the
default utility LESS for formatted display to standard
NOTE: LESS.COM is an utility similar to MORE.COM of
MS-DOS and something more, but less than the
"LESS" of American Unix networks. PC-LESS.ARC,
LIST64A.ARC or SEE15.ARC (available from many
BBS sources in the U.S.A.) work as well as the
Japanese utility.
LHarc first creates an un-archived file 'LHARC.TMP' and then
invokes the specified utility, usually a page formatter like
LIST.EXE or SEE.EXE. Temporary files will normally be
deleted after you have viewed their output.
LHarc p /v2 /vbrowse ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Invokes BROWSE.COM for paged display of 'file1.ext' to
standard output, but suppresses the output of file names or
path names. This special '2' option is provided for viewing
binary files with a dump utility.
/n[-|+] (No Indicator)
Suppress progress display oooo... in the process of
archiving and de-archiving. The display is on the standard
error stream so that the dsiplay is on even in the process
of redirection.
/k<keyword> (Keyword for AUTOLARC.BAT)
When used together with the /x switch to make a "large"
self-extracting archive (SFX), this switch tells LHarc to
embed the specified keyword into the .EXE file and then to
turn on the AUTOLARC.BAT auto-execution feature. That is,
if the SFX contains a file named 'AUTOLARC.BAT' (which can
consist of any sequence of batch commands), this file will
be executed immediately after all the files are extracted,
but only if the correct keyword is supplied along with the
SFX name.
LHarc User's Manual page 12
LHarc s /x /kon ARCHIVE.LZH
Creates the "large" SFX 'ARCHIVE.EXE' from 'ARCHIVE.LZH'
and turns on auto-execution of AUTOLARC.BAT, conditional
upon typing the keyword "on". Then,
Executes 'ARCHIVE.EXE' and extracts all the files, but does
not auto-execute AUTOLARC.BAT, whereas
Extracts all the files and immediately executes AUTOLARC.BAT.
Note: Because DOS ignores case on the command line,
this keyword cannot be made case sensitive.
/t[-|+] (Time Stamp)
Update the time stamps of Archive to the newest file in the
archive, effective with switches (a,u,m,f,d).
LHarc a /t ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
Will set the time stamp of ARCHIVE.LZH to that of file1.ext
if it has the newest time stamp in ARCHIVE.LZH, otherwise
ARCHIVE.LZH has the time stamp of command-line execution
LHarc User's Manual page 13
Archive name (path name):
All the files archived by LHarc have the same format as those
archived by Larc, except that Larc uses the extension '.LZS'. If you
specify a different extension, LHarc will prompt you whether to use
it with the message "Extension of archive is not '.LZH.' Continue
processing? [Y/N]".
Wildcards are valid in specified file names with the 'e', 'x', 'p',
'l', 'v' and 's' commands:
LHarc e *.LZH *.c
Extracts all files with extension .C from all archives in
the current directory.
Home directory name (drive name):
If you specify a home directory name, then LHarc will refer to that
directory as if it is the current directory. Specify a home
directory name ending with either '\' or ':'. All files will be
archived without storing this directory name unless you also use the
/r or /x switch.
Example: Suppose you have the following directory tree:
|-- BIN --
|-- \ --|-- TC --|-- LIB --
|-- INCLUDE --|-- SYS --|-- STAT.H
From the root directory, \,
LHarc a /r ARCHIVE.LZH stat.h tc\include\
adds '\tc\include\sys\stat.h' to 'ARCHIVE.LZH' with the path
name 'sys\stat.h' from your home directory \tc\include\.
File name (path name):
The file names or path names of files to be archived must be
specified or else LHarc will assume *.* with no directory names.
The wildcards '*' and '?' behave exactly as in DOS. You cannot use
them to specify directories except with the /r2 switch, similar to
the Unix -r option for cp, mv and rm.
LHarc User's Manual page 14
Switch delimiter:
If you are currently using some other character, like '-', in place
of the forward slant '/' as a switch delimiter (from the undocu-
mented DOS Function 37H, Set/Query Switchar), then you have to use
your character in place of '/', like "-cx". This makes '/' available
as a directory delimiter instead of '\', as in Unix convention. (You
can use '-' as a switch delimiter with LHarc anyway.)
The above comment may not apply unless you are running MS-DOS 3.xx.
2. Setting Switches in an Environment Variable
You may set any of LHarc's default switches with the environment
variable 'LHARC':
SET LHARC=/we: /r2
will set drive E: as the working directory and archive all
files in directory mode.
You may also specify LHarc's working directory with the environment
variable 'TMP':
but the /w switch will override this setting.
LHarc User's Manual page 15
3. Self-Extracting Files
LHarc can create a self-extracting archive (SFX), which makes file
transfers very easy because the recipient does not need to have
LHarc itself to extract the contents.
There are two models of SFX: "small" and "large." A "small" SFX is
designed to fit in working memory, but a "large" SFX depends only on
available disk storage. When run, each model will sign on with a
corresponding screen message: "LHarc's SFX 1.13C[S or L]".
On execution, either model SFX looks first for an archived file with
the name '!' and displays it to the screen followed by the simple
message "[Y/N]", which is prompting you whether or not to extract the
rest of the files. This option, called a telop, is provided for your
convenience; it might be used for an announcement, an invitation, a
cover letter for E-mail, a shipping label, an ANSI graphics screen,
or whatever you please. Thus, the telop will politely reassure the
recipient of your SFX as to sender, contents and intentions. To
make a telop, simply create a suitable ASCII file with your favorite
text editor and then rename it to '!' before archiving.
If you create a file with the name 'AUTOLARC.BAT' (which can consist
of any sequence of batch commands) and include in a "large" SFX, you
can optionally embed a keyword that will activate auto-execution of
this batch file immediately after all the files are extracted.
Otherwise, any AUTOLARC.BAT file will simply be harmlessly extracted
along with the rest of the files.
It is, of course, possible to smuggle destructive "jokes" or so-
called viruses into this AUTOLARC.BAT file (a "Trojan horse"). So, to
guard against such unscrupulous use of this powerful feature of
LHarc, I have provided a measure of security with the telop and the
The attribute byte of all the extracted files will normally be 20h.
If you specify /x switch in Large SFX files, then you may restore any
attributes. This feature is only for Large model. A typical command
line looks like:
ARCHIVE [/kword] [/edirectory_name][/x][/a].
Note: In MS-DOS2.xx a program has no way to know its filename
or pathname for its own. So move the self-extracting
.EXE file on the very directory where is is going to be
de-archived. Then execute.
LHarc User's Manual page 16
"Small" model:
A "small" SFX must fit within the size of your available memory, so
theoretically it can be as large as DOS' 640K workspace. In
practice, however, it should not be much larger than 400K, especially
when you distribute your program, it is not YOU who extract the file.
Think of people who may not have a fully memory populated machine.
Creates 'ARCHIVE.COM' or 'ARCHIVE.EXE', depending on the
size of your original archive. Then,
Displays the telop file '!' on the screen and prompts you
whether to proceed to extract files, with the simple message
"[Y/N]" (add your own message to the end of the telop to
take advantage of this prompt). The telop itself is not
extracted; to record it to disk, type
LHarc User's Manual page 17
"Large" model:
A "large" SFX is limited in size only by available disk storage and
will optionally auto-execute an AUTOLARC.BAT file immediately after
extracting all the files.
LHarc s /x /kon ARCHIVE.LZH
Creates 'ARCHIVE.EXE' (the extension is always .EXE in this
case) and turns on auto-execution of AUTOLARC.BAT,
conditional upon typing the keyword "on".
Auto-execution of AUTOLARC.BAT will take place if and only if you
supply the keyword (case insensitive) along with the SFX name. For
the above example,
Extracts all the files and immediately executes AUTOLARC.BAT,
Just extracts all the files after displaying the telop, if
Note: If a file with the name 'AUTOLARC.BAT' already
exists in the current directory, it will auto-
matically be overwritten.
LHarc User's Manual page 18
Destination directory(s):
You can use the /e switch with the SFX name to specify the
destination directory for all the extracted files, but only for a
"large" SFX:
C:\>ARCHIVE /ed:\temp
Extracts all the files in 'ARCHIVE.EXE' to the directory \
temp\ on drive D:.
In addition, if any directory names are stored with the file names
in the original archive, you can use the /x switch to extract files
with full path names:
C:\>ARCHIVE /ed: /x
Extracts all the files to drive D: and extends file names
with directory names. If any of these directories does not
exist, then it will be automatically created. Any
AUTOLARC.BAT file, however, is always extracted to the
current directory, whether you use the /x switch or not.
View Self-extracting files.
From version 1.12b on, you may handle self-extracting .COM or .EXE
files as .LZH files with commands e, x, p, t, l, v, s. Please use
full filename with extension .com or .exe. Like:
LHarc l ARCHIVE.exe
To take a list of files inside a self-extracting ARCHIVE.exe file.
Be ALERT to the danger of overwriting or creating a new file with
the 's' switch. Try to keep a backup when viewing.
LHarc User's Manual page 19
4. Archive File Header
LHarc's header is compatible with that of Larc. Methods of
archiving are two:
-lh0- stored as it was and
-lh1- compressed by LZHuf coding.
LHarc can also extract files stored in Larc-created archives (with
the extension .LZS) if they are type 4 or 5.
NOTE: Larc is another Japanese archiver, with source code
published in a journal. It is now also available in the
United States. Larc, also, has a SFX self-extractor.
The structure of self-extracting large SFX file looks
like: (SFX + "key word") archived + header + archived
5. Result Codes
LHarc returns the following result codes to the parent process:
0 Normally finished.
1 Process finished with nonexistent file names ignored
during archiving or CRC error occurred during
2 Process terminated by fatal error; no archive created
or files moved.
3 Unable to write temporary files into the archive. Work
file renamed to 'LHARC.)2(' and original archive
deleted. Try renaming LHARC.)2( as your archive,
although it might be damaged.
6. Temporary Files
LHARC.)1( Original archive, renamed.
LHARC.)2( Work file used to create new archive.
LHARC.TMP Work file created for viewing by another utility.
If a file with one of these file names already exists in the working
directory, then the behavior of LHarc is unpredictable.
LHarc User's Manual page 20
7. My Distribution Policy
Under the following conditions, you may freely copy and distribute
this software:
1. Under all circumstances, "Copyright by Haruyasu Yoshizaki"
must be attached to the copy.
2. This manual or its hardcopy should go together with the
3. You may modify the program, but in that case, you must distri-
bute the complete source code for the program, including your
specific contributions and you must make it clear that you
have made such modifications.
4. You must try to distribute the latest version available.
5. I assume no warranty for any claim of damage you may sustain
by using this software.
6. I have no obligation to revise the program to correct any
fault in this software.
7. For any commercial use of this software, I add the following:
a. The entire software made incorporating this program should
not be copy protected in the sense that the DISKCOPY
program of MS-DOS makes an imperfect copy.
b. Every part of the package should print the name "LHarc" and
the copyright banner.
c. The distribution policy of this software should be printed
either in the manual, in the package or on the disk label.
Comment: If a commercial package or a shareware
product uses LHarc with self-extracting SFX
form for the distribution, then the Copy-
right statement must appear with SFX header.
I consider this as a claim of LHarc's Banner.
LHarc User's Manual page 21
8. Acknowledgments
Special gratitude to Haruhiko Okumura, who uploaded the code for
LZari to PC-VAN on which my LZHuf coding is based; and to Kazuhiko
Miki, the author of Larc I, who re-posted LZari on Nifty Serve. To
all who contributed reviews, comments and bug reports, I express my
Thanks also to Prof. Kenjirou Okubo who has spent much of his own
time in reviewing the English manual and resources in distributing
LHarc into the United States.
The .EXE file for LHarc is nearly 2K smaller owing to use of
pcs27162 by S. Takanami. I honor this utility and thank him for
letting me use it to prepare LHarc.
I have made so many revisions to LHarc, yet I do not think I can
ever expel all the bugs dwelling inside. I would appreciate any
comments and bug reports. Please route them to me via the SDR
Forum on Nifty Serve or salon.pds of ASCII Net. In the United
States, CompuServe subscribers can contact me through Kenjirou
Okubo 74100,2565 or on GEnie via 'K.OKUBO'.
9. References
1) Labo, A.P., A Hard Disk Cookbook: Shouei Press (1987).
2) Kurita, T., Huffman coding, bit: Jewelry Box of Computing 43,
vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 100-101 (1988).
3) Miki, K., Documentation for Larc: LARC.MAN.
LHarc User's Manual page 22
10. History of Revisions
1. Following Mr.Okumura's sugestion, a check is now made for
the size of extractable files being added.
2. Check size of the specified directory for extraction.
3. In using temporary files, LHarc checks the size of available
area and in case of shortage, restore in old archives.
1. /t switch to update even if no transaction is made.
2. LHarc accepts self-extracting .COM &.EXE files like .LZH
files in e, x, p, t, l and s commands.
3. Bugs in B: D: drive specification removed.
1. New /t switch added
2. Display redirected to standard error stream.
3. Bugs fixed in large SFX model.
4. /a switch in large SFX model.
5. Some trial t let a program know its path_name and own name.
6. Some mixed dislay when a file_name contains '$'.
7. User's Manual rewritten to reflect changes since v1.00.
1. Fixed bug in auto-execution of AUTOLARC.BAT after self-
1. Added 't' command.
2. Changed screen display to show new commands and switches.
3. Fixed bug in CRC error check with archived file of zero
4. Revisions to self-extracting archives:
- "large" and "small" SFXs
- telop file '!'
- /k switch for security against Trojan horses
1. Minor touchups to help screen and program messages.
2. User's Manual rewritten for clarity and intelligibility.
1. Mode without work file added.
2. /r switch forces /x switch on simultaneously.
1. Removed bug in detecting memory shortage.
2. Compacted self-extraction program.
1. Vers. 0.05-0.07 break down heap areas. Corrected.
2. Now accepts any directory name with any attributes.
LHarc User's Manual page 23
1. Prohibited actions to a write-protected archive.
2. 'm' command now removes files made by older versions.
3. Error-handling routine revised in dealing with wildcards for
archive names.
4. No command specified is now interpreted as 'l' command
5. Error level 1 returned when CRC checking detects an error
during un-archiving.
6. Program now halts when self-extraction process meets an
7. Bug fixed in CRC checking when a directory name is met in
the un-archiving process.
1. Removed possibility of a damaged cluster appearing in failing
to re-create (= freshen) an archived file.
2. Removed '+' bug in redirecting output with 'p' command.
1. If a file transaction fails with 'u', 'm' or 'f' command,
LHarc will leave the archive as it was.
2. File attributes were sometimes misunderstood by 'f' command.
This possibility eliminated.
1. CRC checks extended to self-extracting archives.
2. Completely recursive modes made possible for 'a,u,m' commands.
3. Meets requirements of APPEND.EXE of MS-DOS version 3.3.
4. '\' no longer needed at end of working directory name with /w
1. Support for environment variable 'TMP'.
2. "LHarc p /v a.lzh a_file" used to delete 'a_file' in case of
an error. Bug fixed.
3. Added check for a file with the same name in making a self-
extracting archive.
4. In a self-extracting archive, if a file with the same name
of larger size existed, then LHarc kept the difference when
it was overwritten by one of smaller size. This bug removed.
1. Environment variable 'LHARC' sets some of the switches.
2. Made it possible to specify '+', '-' with switches.
3. /v switch included.
4. Wildcards can now be used for archive names with 'e,x,p,l,v,s'
5. Home directory names had some interactions with Kanji-code.
6. Fixed header-file bugs of self-extracting .EXE files.
LHarc User's Manual page 24
1. Support for 'm' command.
2. Larc 3.xx compatibility. Type 4, 5 .LZS files are un-
3. Accommodation to systems with different switch characters.
4. Minor bugs fixed with 'e' command.
5. Revised format for 'l' command.
1. Support for self-extracting archives.
2. 'p' command added.
3. /c switch applies to more combinations of commands and
4. Error handling revised.
5. Bug fixed in 'l' command.
6. New algorithm introduced in sorting path names.
a. Some other algorithms I have in mind.
With some specific files, the compression ratios are not as good as
with PKware's PKZIP. For such files, I may use LZSS compression
with correlated arithmetic compression. This is an effective
method and my experiments show that the ratios are no less than
PKware's. Yet it takes too much time in both the archiving and
un-archiving processes, with much higher memory consumption.
Consequently, I intend to keep working on the LZHuf algorithm.
Naturally, I am ready to receive any comments and I continue to
b. Naming of LHarc
Some people have expressed concern over the fact that the string
"arc" is contained in the name "LHarc." I make the following
statements just for them.
The crucial points in SEA's suit against PKware were the way in
which PKware advertised and sold PK(x)arc with an emphasis on its
ARC compatibility and the loss of profits from shareware
This is not the case with LHarc. I have used a different archiving
method and made it a free program with a format incompatible with
ARC. I hope I will not be bothered by similar accusations.
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